Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What a difference a year makes

Wow! What a difference a year makes! This time last year I was packing my suitcase and getting ready to fly off to New Jersey for who knew how long to see doctors at Jefferson. It is good to take inventory and see how far I have come. You should try it too!

A year ago I walked with a cane, and unless I absolutely need it (like at a Braves Game or if we are walking far, or if I am having a VERY bad day and would rather not fall)

A year ago I had a misdiagnosis, now we know what it is and how to treat it (but now I wait until we have insurance to get it!)

A year ago I weighed 44lbs more while I am great with that I have some more work to do.

A year ago I had VERY short hair that was a different color!

A year ago I was a very scared girl (2 Timothy 1:7)

A year ago I did not have my nose pierced!

A year ago my dad was still alive. I miss him

A year ago I had a boss. I miss him.

A year ago I did not realize what a powerful woman I am.

A year ago I could never imagined how different my life would be, how the people in my life have made such a difference. Friends old and new, family & co-workers They keep me laughing, wipe my tears (which there have been many of over the last year), keep me sane and love me unconditionally. For that I am so grateful.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I know that this time of the year brings out the "thankfuls" and most people move past Thanksgiving and that is it. I am thankful every day, or at least I try to be. So in no particular order I am gonna list out my thankfuls in no particular order...if I miss something or someone, please let me know!

*Music-I would be lost without it.
*My family
*My job & the people who I walk beside in ministry-I am blessed beyond measure
*Fuzzy pants-'nuff said
*Face Book-I know it's shallow, but I have managed to reconnect and keep up with people I love
*God's provision-my husband has been out of work since February, God is good
*Justin Melton-he has added so much not only to our church but to my life. I know that sounds cheesy but it is oh so true
*My sister from another mister, Melia who has managed to keep me somewhat sane in what has been an upside down year for me.
*My sister-who walked with me through one of the most difficult journeys of our lives.
*My dad-even though we did not have the best relationship, he was my dad. I miss him a lot
*My scrappy friends who recharge me once a month
*My mom
*weight loss...42lbs down & apparently I need to lose another 38lbs to be "ideal"
*comfy shoes
*not so comfy shoes
*people who encourage me to not be so hard on myself
*inside jokes
*Good food
*being comfortable in my skin for the first time in a very long time
*good things
*bad things that make me stronger and wiser
*forgiveness for myself and for others
*laughter-which I do a lot of thanks to good friends, I have some funny people in my life!
*tears-which I do a lot of because I am a weeper!
*death-that sounds so strange as something to be thankful for but it makes me realize that life is short and we should dance more, laugh more and not take things for granted
*my mac
*being witness to great miracles in the form of a little boy named Trey
*a rockin pink coat
*a Braves coat that is special to me in many ways
*a great season from my beloved boys of summer
*a road trip with my sister and a night at the beach
*someone who taught me more about myself in a year than I had known in all the years previous
*chronic illness that has not defined me but refined me. It has taught me to really appreciate the good days because they are few and far between
*giggling with my kids
*sharing secrets with Emma
*roses in November
*my cell phone and learning how to text...but not texting and driving (Justin Melton)
*my contour pillow
*getting my nails done and feeling pretty
*Jasmine's Rabbit
*my ipod-I would be lost without it.
*being able to wear cute clothes
*Kathy, Melody & Melia who love me with no judgement
*knowing who my real friends are and who has my back
*finally getting my groove back. Now maybe my mojo will return and I can get back to creating beauty.
*Change whether I like it or not, it is inevitable
*for learning to filter (Justin Melton has seen me do it-it is possible)
*for fun
*Learning that I am strong woman
I could go on and on but for now these are my thankfuls. Now that I am back in a groove maybe you will hear from me more often on my blog!
