I have not updated in a few days so I thought that I would do that for you all.
I got home on Christmas Eve. Got in a few minutes before I was scheduled too. It was an alright flight. I was one of the first to board. I had a flight mate that we will refer to as elbows from here on. Elbows was a skinny guy who was reading muscle magazine all the while managing to poke me in the side with his elbows...lovely. There was a lady diagonally behind me that was up and down several times (making me nervous for some reason and I am glad I was not flying on Christmas in light of what happened going to Detroit), the drink cart made it to me and the snacks did not. I think that had something to do with the turbulence. It was not as nice as my flight to Philly. I was glad to get home though!
The family greeted me at the baggage claim and much to John's chagrin and Harvey's liking my bag weighed 9 lbs less than when I left. I think John really hurt himself hauling my suitcase out of the car when I got there! I packed a box of all the non essential things like jeans, shoes and the like. UPS was picking that up today. Yeah only I left the jeans in my suitcase that do not fit!
Anyway we got home in time for me to go through the mail, and then realize we were almost out of toilet paper...welcome back to REALITY! Ran to Kroger and then met the family at church. We had Christmas Ever candlelight service and then Harvey and the girls took me to Chili's for dinner. I am really glad that I drove seperate. I was wiped out and they all wanted to go to Wal Mart to see if they could score me a new ipod. John spilled coffee on my old one when I was in NJ (about three days into my trip). If any of you truly know me, I LOVE music and my ipod is like an extension of me. Yeah I was pretty lost without it but John turned me onto this great website called www.lala.com so I was not totally without music. They were all sold out of ipods on Christmas Eve but I came home and went to bed.
Christmas was nice and quiet. That is a good thing! The girls got a Wii (Thank you to whomever left it in my office for them) and lots of other goodies from some special Santas. We are so blessed. Thanks to you all who took care of us. So the rest of the day was spent playing Wii and eating and napping! That is my favorite part!
The day after Christmas I decided to be BRAVE. I hate the mall (The girl in that picture used to LOVE the mall and could spend hours there). I needed to go to the Apple store. I needed a new ipod. Yeah I could have lived another day or twelve without it. LOL! I had to park at Nordstrom's and walk a lot. I sat in the car for about five minutes debating if I needed my cane or not. I opted to go without. I walked to the Apple store and then decided to be adventerous adn go to Bed Bath & Beyond because I had a GC...yeah I paid for that. I have to realize that while I can indeed walk without the cane, I should not over do it. I have to remember I am not superwoman.
So a lot of you have been asking me what all is going on so I am going to bring you up to speed. The doctor in NJ has given me a number for someone at Emory. We are still trying to determine who will be the best fit. Dr. T feels that I have been misdiagnosed so I will basically be starting over at square one as far as determining what it is I have and how to treat it. He just does not know what it is I have. I am a mystery-to quote him~ So after the first of the year we will get all of tha situated at Emory, I will have a bunch of tests, more bloodwork and an MRI to get the ball rolling. I'm feeling torn about all of this. I am excited that Dr. T thinks there is something totally different wrong with me and we have to figure it out, but I am frustrated about that all at the same time.
I am feeling a little out of sorts with being back. I am glad and sad all at the same time. I am trying to work through a lot of stuff. I am not going to post that on the blog unless I feel like you all need to know about it. Just pray for me as this will be a long process and some people might not understand it at all. Just know that I need to work on some stuff. For me, about me. I am not trying to be secretive or vague. I just need you all to pray as I am continuing on a journey of healing both mentally and physically.
I am walking without my cane as often as possible. I am still having a little difficulty but John worked me hard while I was gone. I am determined to keep up the hard work. I will have to say though I miss walking to the candy store!
I will be back to work tomorrow. It is the week before the new year so I will only be working til noon each day. That will be an easy way to transition back to that. I am looking forward to being there. I missed my people.
I miss my NJ people too. John, Alycia & Jack (and Mrs. Hulce, Gretchy, Ivy and YES EVEN Alfonse). It was fun playing in the snow, wrestling with, hanging out, eating and walking to the candy store. I appreciate everything you all did for me while I was there. I will come visit again soon!
Love, Jenn