Monday, November 30, 2009
Airplanes, reunions and nerve tests OH MY!
My flight to Philly was good. I had to pay extra to have my overweight luggage on board, I had a fabulous wheelchair ride to security...that is where it gets fun...apparently my insulin and syringes and laptop set off some sort of Homeland Security alarm and I had to have my stuff rexrayed, and I had to be PATTED down...SERIOUSLY??? The nice lady asked if I had any sensitive areas on my body...I told her my whole body. She just looked at me and continued to pat me after that it was back in the wheelchair and onto the gate. They also took my cane away and put it through the xray machine and then the guy asked me if I was able to walk without it. REALLY. If I was able to walk without it I would you he held my hand while I walked through the metal detector.
I had my gate switched from B14 to B-3 which is almost at the end of the B gates. I am so glad I took advantage of the wheelchair services. When I got to the ticket counter the agent informed me that they had changed my seat. I was closer to the front and had a window seat. That worked out really well. As most of you know, I seem to be a magnet for people who like to overshare so there was a specific prayer that I get a quiet seat mate. Well, prayers were answered and as soon as my seat mate sat down she said hello and promptly put her earbuds in. Thank you Jesus.
The flight was uneventful. We hit a little turbulence here and there but for the most part it was a smooth flight. John met me at baggage claim and promptly threw his back out dragging my suitcase off the belt and to the car. It was very cool to see him after so long. I did let him give me a hug. It was the least I could do after all he has done for me over the last month. Alycia was waiting up for us and we hit it off right away. Jack and I met this morning and at first he would not talk to me but now we are friends and I think tomorrow when my box of stuff comes tomorrow and he gets his present from "iggy" it will seal the deal!
Leaving the family behind was horrendous. Olivia was hysterical, Emma was crying and me and Harvey just tried to hold it together...I have talked to them several times since and they seem to be doing okay. I miss them terribly but know that all the things I am doing will get me back to them in better health and in the long rin that is what s best for all of us.
Now onto the news of the day...we went to Philadelphia today to the doctor. We got there in time...this is where it went horribly LONG! The waited for about 30 minutes for them to take me back, then I waited for what seemed like forever before the PA (Amy) came in and ran me through my paces. Then we waited some appointment was at 2 and the doctor came in sometime around 4...SERIOUSLY! The ironic part is that on my patient information says to be on time because they try to run on time and that if you are more than 15 minutes late they will cancel your after waiting all that time, the doctor is quite concerned. He is not convinced that I have CIDP. Yet he is not sure what is going on yet SO...
Tomorrow at 11am he will be doing another EMG-that is a nerve conduction test...this is not my first rodeo, I have had two of these. He wants to see for himself. The lady at the office told us that the earliest they could get us in was December 15th. John promptly explained that that was not soon enough so she called back and had our appointment for tomorrow. God is good.
They also want me to do some PT as my right side has a severe deficit. My shoulder is frozen and needs some work. So we will do what we have to do and get that done. So rest assured that while I am away I am hard at work trying to get better. This is quite the adventure.
So keep praying, I need it. I am really feeling a bit disappointed about sort of being back at square one but I also feel hopeful that the doctor is on the right track and we will get the answers I have been looking for for the last two years. I am also a little scared of the unknown but as God has promised me in Timothy...He has not given me a spirit of fear so I will cling to that in these days when I am away from all things comfortable.
To the Pink Nation I have been blessed by your encouraging cards and letters. I love you all.
Love, Jenn
Friday, November 27, 2009
Puts things in perspective
But while I was there something happened that really made me thankful that all I have is an invisible illness or two to deal with.
There was a baby in the bed across the way from Trey. I think he got there Wednesday when I was there last. He was discharged to Hospice care. For those of you who do not know that is for someobne who is dying. Here was this little bitty baby going home to Hospice care. I cannot fathom what his family is going through. I briefly talked to his mom. You could see it in her eyes, her baby has been given little time to live, there is nothing else they can do medically. I cannot imagine the hopelessness she must be feeling. I prayed for her most of the day while I was rocking and playing with Trey. I overheard the doctor say he may live a week but most likely not.
Katie, Trey's nurse for the day was also this baby's nurse. After he left another nurse came by and she broke down. I cannot imagine what her job is like day in and day out with some of the sickest babies around. Some of them don't make it. It takes a really special person to be able to be there for the families. My job pales in comparison. I am thankful that there are people out there who do the hard jobs.
It puts all of my small problems into perspective. I am not taking my baby home for what may be the last week of his life.
Thank You Lord for the perspective.
Love, Jenn
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Blindside
You all are the left have to protect the quarteback (in this case, my family) from being blindsided while I am gone. I have to trust you all to do your job so my family does not get sacked...seriously that is what was going through my head during that scene. I am trusting my quarterback to you...please make sure they are not blindsided while I am gone.
We are in 72 hour countdown mode. Well, at least I am...I think my lists have lists! I spent part of the day rocking Trey. He was all smiles when I got there and he had had a good night and did a great job of taking some stuff out of the bottle, he has to learn how to suck...he did a great job today. I held him for as long as I could today. He was alert and wiggly for part of the time and he slept for part of the time. That is when I talk to him and tell him about all the important things like about rooting for the Braves, the Colts and all about his huge fan club! :)
I really did not want to leave but had to attend the funeral of Ms. Lura Wilson whom I have come to know and love dearly over the last few years. She was the most precious woman and I will miss her so. I know she is in a much better place and I know she is with her Lord but for those left behind it will leave a huge void.
Left there and ran some errands...I had to remail a box of things to NJ that came back to fault as I wrote the address wrong so I will have to wait until Tuesday to see my fuzzy robe, contour pillow and other goodies I sent. Jack will have to wait for his presents from Jenn as well. Poor kid! LOL!
Got home long enough to talk to Olivia, take a short rest and head out the door again. THANKFULLY tomorrow I can shut the alarm off and sleep as late as I want too. We will be celebrating Thanksgiving at my sister's in the evening. So I will get up when I get up, catch up on some shows I have missed and be in my fuzzy pants at least until when we have to get ready to go to Krista's.
Friday I get to go rock Trey again and this time I can stay until I am no longer allowed! :) No time limits. I like that! I know that I will be much more centered when I leave.
Saturday will be another day of rest, a day of packing and getting all the last minute things in place. I am sure I will be panicked by the time I lay my head on my pillow but at that point...well what good will all of that do me? I have to remember the wise advice a friend gave me this week to just breathe. I am trying hard to follow that advice. I think that is the only way I will get through this next three days.
So you guys remember to protect my quarterback and I will try to remember to breathe!
Love, Jenn
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The countdown is on
In 7 days I will be getting on a plane and flying away from my family and my church. This is a scary thing for me. John keeps telling me it is "just a doctor's appointment a little further away from home" yeah, 667 miles from home. Not that I am counting or anything!
I have much to do before I leave. I have to work on Monday and Tuesday. I have to make sure everything is in place before I go so that things will run smoothly. I have a to do list and I will plug away at it until it all gets done. It will all get done...
I have my notebooks organized. That was a good thing to do. I have a notebook with all my important numbers and calendars and everything I will need for when I am gone. Now Harvey and the girls have a notebook for while I am gone which contains scheduling info, who is doing what when and even the grocery list. Although I am thinking that with everyone who has volunteered meals groceries will be the least of their concerns.
I am waiting on a new sim card for my cell phone. I have lost several phones over the last few months. I found the original lost one with all my info in it so we have to get a new sim for it so I can take it with me. That way I can be in contact with everyone here.
I will be going to rock Trey twice this next week. I will be going Wednesday and Friday. I am thinking it will be just what I need to relax. I am telling you holding that boy in my arms and just loving on him does me way more good than it does him!
We will be celebrating Thanksgiving with my family at my sister's house. That will be a good thing. I am looking forward to that. I am excited because we will get to have Wyatt there. That was not the original plan so we are looking forward to seeing him!
I will be packing on Saturday so that I will be all ready to go. I am not sure how that will go but I will give it a good go so that I will not be over the limit. I already shipped some things ahead so that I did not have to put them in my suitcase. We decided after much discussion that Harvey and the girls will not take me to the airport. We will say goodbye at the house and then they will go do something fun...I think I heard Olivia say they wanted to go bowling, and then a good friend will take me to the airport. I think that will be best for all involved.
Pray for us all as that day approaches. There have been lots of tears and tantrums over the last few days and I know it is because we are all stressed by the things that are going on and that we are all just trying our best to make it through the coming days. We know this is what we are supposed to do but the doing it is difficult.
Thank you all for your continued love, support and prayers. I think I have lost count of how many have told us that they are praying for us. It is so humbling and it is such a blessing to know that so many are storming the throne on our behalf. I know that is how we have made it through the last two years and how we will make it through the coming days!
Love, Jenn
Friday, November 20, 2009
I am SO thankful for so many things. I thought I would post them here so you can see that if you look really hard there is a lot to be thankful for not just at Thanksgiving.
So here goes. This could get long. There may be tears...well if you know me I cry all the time. So there WILL be tears!
Things I am thankful for in no particular order:
*My family-that is a given, for the children that doctors said would never be conceived, for the marriage that people said would not last...I am thankful.
*My faith-since finding John again, my faith has been tested and strengthened. He has reminded me that I am strong in my faith, I know what I believe, and that God has a plan through all of the things that I have been through. And that is to glorify God in ALL circumstances. I am so thankful for God showing me things daily that are molding me and shaping to be a better vessel for HIM.
*My work family-I do not say it flippantly, I am SO blessed to work in a place where at any moment of the day we can stop and pray for one another...that is so cool...where we really do share one another's burdens, where I really do LOVE my job. Where I really do LOVE my boss. It is a pleasure to go to work each day...a lot of people cannot say that. I am so thankful that I have been allowed to take the time that I need to be gone and know that they are praying for me and taking care of things here so that I do have to worry about thing (although as you know I will worry anyway.).
*I am SO thankful for my scrapbooking girls. Just when I turn lazy and change plans on them they show up and show off to make my last scrapbooking of the year extra special. They decided to carry out my original plan unbeknownst to me. You ladies are so special to me and I am so thankful knowing that when I leave my Pink Nation Warriors will be lifting me in constant prayer. For you all I am SO VERY thankful.
*I am thankful for fuzzy pants...I know it's a little thing that makes the world of difference...when you are in constant pain being clothed hurts. I know that sounds nuts but it does. Fuzzy pants do not hurt me to wear. So whoever invented fuzzy pants...I am thankful for you!
*I am thankful for Facebook. I know another silly thing that has made all the difference in my life. If not for faceboook I would have never found John and we would not be on this journey to wellness I am convinced. So Mark Zukerburg for you I am thankful even though you have no idea who I am.
*Modern technology, I am VERY thankful to you for allowing me to keep people informed in a short amount of time. I am also thankful for the person or person who invented the laptop. I am also thankful that I now have one. Thanks John!
*The list could go on and on and on of all of the many things I am thankful for. Mostly I am thankful for you all who are reading this blog and keeping up with me and praying for me and taking care of me and my family during this time.
Colossians 3:15
Love, Jenn
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
So emotional today.
Had to go to the school and change some emergency contact info and talk to Olivia's teacher. She got a little upset and started to cry (Olivia not the teacher) so that pretty much set the tone for the day.
I was in tears serveral times today and I am sure that this will not be the last time this week. I know I will be emotional tomorrow night when I rehearse with my beloved choir for the last time for I don't know how long. I love them like a family and it will be hard to be away from them.
So if you would, please pray for us. Pray for peace and us all to realize that this seperation is temporary and the end result will all be worth it.
Love, Jenn
Monday, November 16, 2009
Totally off the radar
Olivia will have to be there at 5:30 on the 9th (Emma too) and then they would need to be there by 6pm on the 16th.
Let me know if you can help a sister out!
Thanks so much!
Love, Jenn
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Jiggy Young
C/O Sunpower Solutions
112 Colonial Avenue
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
I will have my cell phone with me as well.
If you want to send something to Harvey and the girls:
Harvey, Emma & Olivia Young
1555 Hwy 138
Loganville, GA 30052
Love, Jenn
So much to do so little time...
I am now blogging from the comfort of my bed, I picked up my laptop on Friday. I have been busy importing contacts and favorites and making it mine for the last couple of days. I did not realize how much stuff I actually do have on the computer. How did I ever live before the internet??
So I am in countdown mode. 14 days from today I will be sitting at the airport waiting on my flight. I am nervous, excited, scared all rolled into one. There is a lot to do between now and then, I only have five more days in the office so I will be frantic I am sure! I am busy making lists and checking things off. I am coordinating all things Young Household, I am trying to make sure I have all of my medical things in order. Have I mentioned that in the midst of all of this my day to day life goes on like having to do laundry, haul kids, end of season soccer stuff, upload pictures for soccer parents and on and on...
Meals are coming together and Sandie is doing an awesome job of heading that up, I have someone getting my kids to Bethlehem each of the three nights. I only have one other transportation issue and that is on Mondays. Emma takes bass lessons at 5pm with Hannah Coursey. I have not been able to get her there yet. If you can help with that, please email me or you can call me at 770.786.3985 or you can facebook me. She will need a ride each week until probably the week before Christmas.
I appreciate your continued support and prayers. Harvey came home and told me that people he does not even know were asking him how we were doing and what they can do to help. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful church family! I love you all more than words can express.
Love, Jenn
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Your prayers are working!
Anyway, your prayers are definitely being felt and they are really working! I was having some trouble getting the referral from my neuro. For some reason when you ask for medical records or referrals they take it as a personal offense and act as if I have done something wrong. I am just trying to get treatment. So it took me almost a week but I FINALLY got the referral! It came yesterday! So it along with my appointment card, & my patient info is all safely tucked away ready to go to Philadelphia!
I am leaving at 9:50pm on Sunday November 29th. I will arrive in Philly at 11:56pm. I am a little nervous about being at the airport the Sunday after Thanksgiving but I am hopeful that I will be able to get a ride to the gate and I will not have to worry too much about being jostled. I have not flown in a really long time (Emma was just a baby) and I am little nervous about the whole thing. But I know it will all be okay.
The girls and Harvey are settling into the idea of me being gone. I have a notebook where I am keeping all of my information to take with me. Emma says I need one for here to write down all of the things that they need to do! :) I love that kid.
I am on day four of no DDP. I HATE water with a passion but I suppose I will adjust. It is hard to walk down the ailse at the store and walk right by and not put any in the cart! I am taking it one day at a time and hopefully it will be better soon. Keep praying...I have not killed anyone yet! :)
I hope you all know how much I appreciate your prayers, well wishes and love. I cannot tell you how much that means to us. Keep it up. This is just the beginning!
Love, Jenn
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
So there's this boy

After all of the excitement of last week you know where my hair was on fire as I was trying to get things settled here in order to leave...well Trey was just what I needed. When I left him he was still sleeping and I was feeling quite the sense of peace. The traffic did not bother me (and for those of you who REALLY know me-that in itself is a MIRACLE), nothing bothered me. Not even the fact that I have given up DDP. I was tempted to stop on the way home and get some but did not because I was just so calm and happy. Even today as I got up and got a busy start to the day Trey was fresh on my mind. I feel more centered and at peace than I have in days. Trey was on my mind all day and I am really hoping that I will have another opportunity to go rock that boy. He stole my heart last night but when you look at that sweet face how could he not? So yeah just in case you hadn't heard, I have a crush...
Love, Jenn
Sunday, November 8, 2009
No Diet Dr. Pepper + Jiggy=disaster?
Seriously? What was I thinking? I have a headache the size of all outdoors and I am trying hard not to be crabby.
They say it takes 21 days to break a habit. In 21 days I will be flying out to Philly. Maybe by then I will feeling a little better about this whole giving up my DDP. Maybe, just maybe!
Pray for me as I am doing the best for my health even when it is not easy.
Love, Jenn
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The Journey To Bethlehem
I need some help with getting the girls to the church for Journey. So if there is anyone who would be willing to come get them and take them Harvey woudl be able to bring them home. You can email me at jyjiggy4jc2@bellsouth or Facebook me to let me know.
Aren't you all impressed? I needed help AND I ASKED for it! :)
Love, Jenn
Friday, November 6, 2009
Food Glorious Food
Some folks who have asked about bringing meals had some questions and I am just going to answer them.
Harvey and the girls are not terribly picky. In 20 years of marriage I have only found about two things he will not eat, coconut and raisins (I LOVE both!).
The girls are not terribly picky. Olivia loves chicken in any shape form or fashion and will eat all sorts of veggies her favorite is broccoli.
Emma is not terribly picky either. She just doesn't like her food to touch. That is a subject for a whole other blog!
If you wanted to do a GC instead for them to eat out there is not reallly a place I have found that they do not like! It is all up to you to do what you are going to do but know that I appreciate you guys already calling and coordinating with Sandie. That is a big load off my mind while I am gone. I love you guys!
Love, Jenn
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Meal Coordination and a slight change of plans
Sandie Bazemore (BTW, I asked permission before I put her info out there.)
770.466.7084 home
678.231.6764 cell
Please give her your phone number and email so she can get a reminder out to you. Sandie I love you for helping take care of my family.
Okay so onto the news of the day. My leave date was originally December 1st. But again, God has other plans. I will be boarding a Delta flight (I hope Russell keeps all the parts in the right places for me!) on Sunday November 29th since I have a 2pm appointment on November 30th with a neurologist at Jefferson. Actually I know that was a God thing because actually the only appointment available was December 22nd...just sayin.
So now I am in let's get everything ready for me to go and things keep piling up on the calendar. Like banquets and end of soccer season parties-which by the way this has been THE LONGEST soccer season EVER! So I am trying to tread water and not drown. I am glad we have late soccer games on Saturday so I can get some stuff done around here. And maybe even squeeze in a nap.
And just so you know I have two Diet Dr. Peppers left and they are at the office. When they are gone, they are gone. Pray for me and anyone I may come in contact with in the next little bit! It has been quite a shock to the system but it will only get better from here.
Love, Jenn
More God Details
This has always been one of my favorite verses and WOW! Just WOW! I make plans but God obviously has a greater grander plan thank I could ever imagine.
Okay so after a little rest (for those of you who know me I do not sleep much.) I figured I should fill you in on some more details because you will not believe how God has been orchestrating this amazing thing.
There are so many little things that have had added up to BIG things
*I found John!
*John remembered me!
*John lives in New Jersey after living until recently in Montana-if he still lived there none of this would be going on I am convinced.
*He knows people who work at the hospital I will be going to.
*He has been on this diet that I will be on. He has sent me the money to get my kitchen set up so I can put it into place because to start it is expensive and those of you who know me...I am broke!
*While I am in New Jersey he has hired a chef to teach me how to cook this way.
*He has opened his home to me.
*He has offered my husband a job. Long story on that one but when Harvey was laid off earlier this year, he found another job but we really think God has something bigger and better and then along comes John with this unbelieveable offer.
*He is flying me to New Jersey.
*He has honestly and completely rejected every excuse that I have given him not to take him up on this opportunity.
*He has given me a few weeks to get my stuff together here.
So yeah, God KNOWS the plans he has for me. I am so glad He does because I could have not come up with a plan like this ever!
Love, Jenn
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
This is the beginning of the story.
Once upon a seriously, Once upon a time...there was a little girl who was born in Camden, New Jersey. She grew up in various places as a baby. She lived in Georgia when she was 6 months old. She lived in Valley Forge, PA where her sister was born and when she was almost three her daddy died. After her daddy died her mom left to raise two small children moved to Pennsauken, NJ. We lived in a small house on Lexington Avenue. I loved it there. There were lots of kids to play with and I made some of the best friends there.
One of those friends was a boy named John. John and I were like peas and carrots. (One of my favorite movies BTW) I chipped my front tooth on his head one time, I laughed at him as he got his head cracked by our "favorite nun" we spent countless hours playing in the neighborhood. He was special to me and I was special to him.
All of that is VERY is all part of this miraculous story...
When I was almost 5 my mom remarried. I will not bore you with all the details but it was a bad thing and they are now divorced. I grew up in a very abusive home and I never told anyone...not even John. But he knew something was not quite right. I find it amazing that he knew, we were ten!
After my parents got married my step dad decided he wanted to go to culinary school so we uprooted our lives and moved away to Rhode Island. I never got to say good bye to John. That made me very sad. the day I went to say goodbye to all my friends he was at home sick.
I liked Rhode Island alright but it was not home and I missed my friends.
After he graduated my step dad got a job in Atlanta and we moved here. We made my parents promise that we would not move again until after we graduated and they kept that promise.
All of this time I thought of John over the years and wondered how he was. When Harvey and I met and married I told stories of growing up on Lexington Avenue and John was always part of those stories. He has been here all along but not been here too.
So FLASH FORWARD about 30 years and thank you GOD for the invention of the internet and Facebook. I was looking for my best friend from NJ, Carmelita. I found her sister. Checked Gina's friends list no one really stuck out as someone who remember me. Got in touch with Carm. Checked her list lo andbehold there was JOHN! Now before you get any idea that I am leaving Harvey and running away with my childhood sweetheart...that is not the news I have to share! Because I am not! So, I put myself out there and sent him a message and indeed he did remember me. (honestly I did not know if he would or not). So we started emailing catching up on our lives. He is married and has a cute little boy named Jack who looks like his daddy did as a boy and he has a new baby on the way. He told me about his job, I told him about Harvey and the girls and what I do. You know all the stuff that has happened in the course of 30 years.
This is where the story gets a little nutty so bear with me. Most of you know I have been sick for a little over two years. I have been seeking treatment and none has worked. The doctors know what will treat it but it is costly and most insurance will not cover it. So we have been at a stand still and I have not been getting any better. As a matter of fact for about the past two months it has gotten a little worse. Anyway John asked me about it and asked me to send him the info on the disease and the treatment. Like okay you are not a doctor so what good would that do...anyway I sent him the info at about 3am on Saturday. He emailed me back at 10:30 with a plan. Wait til you hear all of this because as my beloved choir sang tonight My God is a God of mighty miracles.
He offered Harvey a job. A good job working for his company. Here in GA.
He has offered me an opportunity to get healthy. There in Philly.
He has offered more than I can I possibly tell you in the few minutes I have here.
He has done things for me in the last 6 days that in my wildest dreams I could not orchestrate. It is indeed what we have been praying for for the last couple of years.
So what does all of this mean to me?
*It means that I am stepping out of my life for awhile. It means that I have to "lose control" and let people help me.
*It means I am going to totally change my lifestyle-I am doing a diet that will be a way of life but it will not be easy.
*It means that I have to learn how to be. I am not so good at the being.
*It means that I may be healthy...I WILL be healthy...
*It means that I will be away from my family and my church. That will be VERY difficult but thankfully I can listen to sermons online.
*It means...well it means a lot .
*It means that I have to be obedient to do what God wants me to do.
What does this mean to my family?
*It means that they will be with out me for an unknown period of time. That is going to be hard on all of us.
*It means that they will have to adjust. I do not like change and they do not either.
*It means that they are going to have to pull together to pick up my slack.
*It means that they have to trust that God is in all of this and learn that He is there even when I am not.
What does this mean to you?
*It means I covet your prayers. Now more than ever. For those of you who have been on this journey with me from the beginning I LOVE you all so much for praying for me and I beg you to keep it up. I know that many days I have made it through because of your precious prayers. I know that you all will get me through the days ahead.
*It means that you have to be "the mom" while I am gone.
*It means that I will NEED your help. It is hard for me to ask and I am not sure how it will look and what we will need just yet. That will probably be a seperate post.
I leave on December 1st to go to NJ and begin a wonderful journey. I am looking forward to going. To seeing John, meeting Jack & Alycia. And just getting well.
So there ya go. I hope it was worth the wait.
Love, Jenn