I have been a wreck today. Thankfully those who know me well know that I am weeper normally. Today has been an emotional day. Just when I think that I am okay I realize something else that I will miss while I am gone or I realize that my kids are upset and that upsets me.
Had to go to the school and change some emergency contact info and talk to Olivia's teacher. She got a little upset and started to cry (Olivia not the teacher) so that pretty much set the tone for the day.
I was in tears serveral times today and I am sure that this will not be the last time this week. I know I will be emotional tomorrow night when I rehearse with my beloved choir for the last time for I don't know how long. I love them like a family and it will be hard to be away from them.
So if you would, please pray for us. Pray for peace and us all to realize that this seperation is temporary and the end result will all be worth it.
Love, Jenn
Praying for that Peace that passes all understanding. Not just for you but for all of you.